Introducing JC Forest

A New Approach to Home Building

Ground work: By providing careful attention to site design, architectural details, home layout, and craftmanship we create a quality house. To us a house is more than just a place where one resides. It is the foundation for everyday living, the ability to create memories and create a stable and peaceful environment for you and your loved ones.

Ease of mind: We continue to fine tune our build process model to make it more efficient, which in turn allows the trade to work more efficiently on our project without change orders or delays (making decisions for your own house is not always easy). With fewer, if any, change orders and quicker answers to decisions we are able to build quicker and in a more cost efficient way. Those savings we can then reallocate to the finishes of the house.

No extra cost: Building a new house can have other costs besides construction costs such as carrying costs, including interest, taxes, and insurance. We carry those costs till the new homeowner closes on the property.